Labeling shortcuts
General Controls
Shift key: Hide labels over the image
A: Accept AI selection
Escape: Stop labeling
Space bar: Switch from labeling to move image
Number buttons: Switch to that size group
Editing Objects within Size Classes
D: AI detect (drag the box around one object and AI will try to select all)
S: AI select tool (click to select individual objects)
P: Pen tool (manually draw objects)
After Clicking on an Object
E: Edit an object with the pen tool
A: Add with the pen tool onto an existing object
M: Subtract area from the selected object with the pen tool
Delete: Delete the selected object
Multiple Object selection and bulk actions
Command (Mac) / Ctrl (Windows) + Click: select multiple objects
Command (Mac)/ Ctrl (Windows) + Drag with mouse: highlight/select multiple objects
After selecting multiple objects you can perform bulk actions such as, delete, merge and change class.
Last updated